Ordering Courses at LearnedGuys.com is Super Easy!
Step1: "Sign Up" for a free account OR "Sign in" to your existing account via Email
Step 2: after logging in to your account open "Course Bundles" page by clicking "Subscriptions" from main page slider or from categories menu "Recorded Courses Subscriptions"
Step 3: Search for your suitable Subscription and click "Buy Now"
(Note: All Subscriptions has Full Course Access)
Step 4: At Checkout page click "Complete Your Enrolment"
Step 2: after logging in to your account, browse your desired recorded courses from "Categories" menu or main page slider "Browse Courses"
Step 3: Select your desired courses and click "Add to Cart"
Step 4: On top of the page click on cart button to "Checkout"
Step 5: At Checkout page click "Complete Your Enrolment"
It's Done! Your Courses will be available in "My Courses -- My Bundles" area in Dashboard once your payment is verified. Don't forget to WhatsApp your payment proof along with your full name and email to 0310-2785258 to activate your subscription!
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