Law | 9084 A2 Level | May 2025 Exams | Live Class by Sir Umair Irfan Gadit
A Level content
3 Law of contract
3.1 Formation of a valid contract
3.1.1 Nature of a contract
3.1.2 Offer and acceptance
3.1.3 Intention to create legal relations
3.1.4 Consideration
3.1.5 Capacity (minors only)
3.2 Contents of a contract
3.2.1 Express terms
3.2.2 Terms implied into a consumer contract by the Consumer Rights Act 2015
3.2.3 Status of terms
3.2.4 Control of exemption clauses
3.3 Discharge of a contract
3.3.1 Performance
3.3.2 Breach
3.3.3 Frustration
3.4 Remedies for breach of a contract
3.4.1 Common law
3.4.2 Equitable
4 Law of tort
4.1 The tort of negligence
4.1.1 Nature of liability in negligence
4.1.2 Duty of care
4.1.3 Breach of duty
4.1.4 Causation and remoteness of damage
4.1.5 Novel duty situations
4.2 Torts affecting land
4.2.1 Occupiers’ liability
4.2.2 Private nuisance
4.2.3 Rylands v Fletcher
4.2.4 Trespass to land
4.3 Torts affecting the person
4.3.1 Assault
4.3.2 Battery
4.3.3 False imprisonment
4.4 General defences and remedies
4.4.1 Defences
4.4.2 Remedies
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