Information and Communication Technology | 0417 IGCSE | May 2025 Exams | Live Class by Sir Faisal Anwer
We will cover the following topics in the live classes:
1 Types and components of computer systems
2 Input and output devices
3 Storage devices and media
4 Networks and the effects of using them
5 The effects of using IT
6 ICT applications
7 The systems life cycle
8 Safety and security
9 Audience
10 Communication
11 File management
12 Images
13 Layout
14 Styles
15 Proofing
16 Graphs and charts
17 Document production
18 Databases
19 Presentations
20 Spreadsheets
21 Website authoring
A Lecturer in Computer Science and ICT, teaching the subjects for the last 21 years!
Igcse ICT O/AS/A2 Computer Science
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